πŸ‘‹πŸ» Hi, I'm Lizzie.

I help South East Asia's founders tell their stories.

I do this through whacked, a personal branding agency co-founded with my partner, to amplify founders’ voice and help them get heard online.


My Mission

To put South East Asian founders on the map.

We all know big names from other parts of the world. It's time for foudners in this region to shine too.

But making SEA founders known isn't about getting the spotlight - it's beyond that:


Build your community

A loyal customer base that not only stays with you, but advocates for you.


Establish industry credibility

Give people a good reason to listen to you amidst 7 billion other voices.


Attract opportunities

From partnerships to investors, put yourself in front of opportunities.

My Journey So Far



βœ… Co-founded Kaya Studio during university, a freelance social media creative business

βœ… Self-taught social media and content marketing

βœ… Did small gigs


βœ… Got 1st LinkedIn Personal Brand retainer client

βœ… Grew to 6 retainer clients by December, 100% through referrals

βœ… Built business while studying full-time


βœ… Graduated with first class honours

βœ… Rebranded as whacked, a LinkedIn personal branding agency

βœ… Grew to 13 retainer clients

βœ… Expanded team to 6 full-timers

βœ… Launched whacked’s website


βœ… Downscaled to 5 clients after redefining our long-term direction

βœ… Rebuilt systems at whacked for scaling

βœ… Launched our first course, weekly newsletters, corporate trainings, 1-to-1 LinkedIn coaching

❓ What’s next?

My Clients' Results


Starting the first month strong

On LinkedIn, first impression matters. We plan out detailed brand and content strategies so our clients can see significant progress as early as their first month with whacked.

Month-on-month growth

We create compelling content that continues to nurture your existing audience while pulling in new audiences.


Expanding LinkedIn network

A bigger network = Greater visibility for your brand + more opportunities. Grow a professional network that you can tap into.

Other results we’ve achieved for our clients

πŸš€ Increase in impressions, likes, and comments

πŸš€ Media features from local news channels

πŸš€ Invitations as keynote speakers

πŸš€ Interest from investors

πŸš€ Partnerships & collabs

πŸš€ Inbound leads